Its happens. And that's a fact folks. Yet again my third blog is about change. Probably because its so prevalent in my life right now.
To be honest I'm just kind of bored. So I'm writing. This will be short.
(Just you know cool pics will be littered throughout this blog. Prepare for Glory.)
(Fact: I couldn't figure out how to "litter" sweet pics all through the blog, so they are all kind at the top.)
I'm switching majors from Missions to International Relations. All my life I thought I was called to full-time ministry, and for the first time I believe I'm realizing that I'm not. Which is a little intimidating. Now I don't really know what (specifically) I want to do with my life. At the same time, its so exciting. I can do so many other things now. No offense to full time ministry peeps, I'm just realizing its not something I want to do. I know that I want life to be a ridiculous adventure, I want to help people, and live an international life. Oh, and obey God's will and plan for my life. That's definitely on the to do list too.
I underwent major changes in environment, the constantly busy and never ending spiritually uplifting/social scene that was ORU, to an adrenaline pumping month in Uganda, Africa, and then back to my home town. I'm working at an office. After work I come home to my warm family, and we have a quiet evening. A lot of times its evenings alone. Almost no nightlife. Most of the time its because of my choice not to go anywhere. Not sure why.
There are many, many more changes going on in my life and in me. I don't understand them. My friends don't understand them. But God understands them.
The Lord has a plan for my life and He loves me with an undying passion that never dies out. I drown in His sea of mercy, and crave His presence like water. He is good. Beautiful. Wonderful. He's my savior, protector, comforter, rock, everything to me. He's a pretty good listener too. My life goings on seem petty to me, yet He's interested. He cares about the details and knows me by every hair on my head and He knows that I drink Frappucino's in Winter and that I secretly I don't care for David Crowder's music.
I'm not worried. I hope my friends aren't worried. God sure isn't worried. I'm not becoming a different person, just maturing, adapting, living. Its an awesome thing.
Guess whose really excited to see the new Batman movie?! I AM!!! Off subject yet still so important.
Time for David's random strain of thoughts:
Aledo's coffee shop's coffee would taste better if they would stop focusing on being a trendy store and started focusing on, coffee.
I want to learn Krav Maga (Israeli Self-Defense) so bad. Its wicked awesome.
Nancy Pelosi is a fool.
Drill ANWR. I like gas. We'll deal with the seals later.
I love ORU Worship. I listen to it. A lot. Guess that makes me a Chapel nerd.
I memorize Dean Boyd's sayings, and then repeat them in my head or aloud because they are awesome. Kind of.
I made friends with too many seniors. Now they are all gone. Except the cool ones who decided on going to Grad School. Go you!!!
I like kittens when they are kittens but when they grow older I get bored with them and want a dog instead.
I'm going to bed.
There you have. Random thoughts of the day and past few. Not politically correct. True? Mostly.
Goodnight whoever you are, and have a pleasant tomorrow.
1 comment:
Welcome to college, my friend...where the only constants in your life for the next four years will be JESUS and CHANGE. Everything else will come and go...it's a scary time, I'm not gonna lie, but it's pretty much amazing...in fact, out of my college wisdom, that's the best I can pass on to you - learn to embrace the adventure of change during your college years and not cling to the past...it just makes things more painful. Every semester will be different, and every year will be EXTREMELY different to the point where you'll wonder if you're at the same school! :)
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