This is my first blog on this blogger thing.
I never know if anyone will ever reads this blog and the blogs to come. That's ok. Speaking through the air.
Right now I'm at my old youth group. I just finished my first year of college at Oral Roberts University, and 2 weeks ago got back from my first mission trip to Uganda, Africa through ORU Missions. It was a month long. Wish it was longer. :)
Its weird coming back to America after living in a 3rd world country for month. And its super really weird coming back to visit your old youth group that you grew up in, and you realize everything has changed. That's ok. Change is good. I love change. And coin change. You can buy sodas with that. I like sodas. Maybe too much.
Anyway so I'm spending the rest of the summer here in my hometown in Texas. Until August. Can't wait to go back to ORU. But I know that God has opportunities for me here, to grow and who knows, do something useful. Maybe. I have to be in the mood to do something useful. Lol not really. Kinda. No I love being useful. Maybe too much. Love has been made such a cheap word. "I love soda, I love the sky, I love ants, I love the dollar menu at Mcdonalds, I love this person I just met and don't know anything about." Love is should and is a very powerful word. Love describes things like, when God loved sinful humans so much, that He sent His one and only Son (whom He loved very much), to die on the cross in place for every single persons sin that ever lived and ever will lived. That's a worthy example of love. Extremely fond feelings towards flipflops, does not. Just to clarify, I like flipflops but prefer steel toed boots. I feel safe in them. :)
1 comment:
So, I did it. I went and got a blogger blog so you won't be all alone on your blogging here. I love you!
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